Industry Insights

Buttonwillow Warehouse Company Benefits From ResponsibleAg

ResponsibleAg certification is not just an investment—it’s an invaluable resource that significantly enhances safety and environmental compliance within an organization. This comprehensive program has proven to be a game-changer for the Buttonwillow Warehouse Company, which has retail fertilizer and crop protection locations across California.

Several years ago, the company signed on to ResponsibleAg and had an audit conducted at one of its largest facilities. “The experience was truly eye-opening,” says Tim Hayes, safety manager for Buttonwillow. The initial audit revealed areas in need of improvement that had previously gone unnoticed. The Buttonwillow team worked through the ResponsibleAg checklist with the help of the program’s resources, and it earned ResponsibleAg certification at that first warehouse.

“ResponsibleAg’s extensive resources led to a streamlined process for certifying our other locations — making subsequent audits faster and more efficient,” Hayes says. Buttonwillow now boasts 10 ResponsibleAg certified locations, with the 11th undergoing its first audit in the coming months.

One of the key benefits of ResponsibleAg is how it augments existing health and safety programs. While most companies already have safety protocols in place, Hayes says, ResponsibleAg helps “tighten everything up.” He adds that for companies operating in California, which is known for its stringent environmental, health, and safety regulations, ResponsibleAg is particularly valuable.

Getting Employees on Board

At Buttonwillow, employees were initially wary of what they perceived as the added workload related to ResponsibleAg certification. Now, Hayes says, employees welcome the program. With ResponsibleAg, employees can identify areas of improvement and get compliance support – before the audit. “At Buttonwillow Warehouse Company, ResponsibleAg has fostered a culture of readiness and pride,” Hayes says. To underscore that commitment to safety, the company has a minimum score expectation of 95% for its safety audits, and many locations consistently achieve perfect or near-perfect results.

Finally, ResponsibleAg provides peace of mind to Buttonwillow’s leaders. By removing doubts and confirming that best practices are being followed, the program enables them to focus on running their businesses with confidence.

“I would highly recommend ResponsibleAg to anyone who is on the fence,” Hayes says. “It is a worthwhile investment.”

Media Contact

Jennifer Proctor, Proctor Strategic Communications